• Commencement Information

    Happy graduation week! 如果你还需要你的雨票或荣誉勋章, 他们将在周五的报到时提供给你(Hickory校区).

    学生报到时间是周五下午4:30.m. in Shuford Arena. 客人们被要求在下午5点半前就座.m.


    Commencement Information

Coronavirus Updates

Please Note: 将定期审查和更新COVID-19协议. 请经常浏览本网站以获取最新资讯. Updated: August 21, 2023.

劳氏目前在COVID-19管理环境中开展业务. 全球网赌十大网站将继续监测COVID-19, review federal, state and county public health guidelines and provide you with updates and information throughout the academic year.

The best protection against COVID-19 is to be updated on your vaccines and to wear a mask indoors around others when in larger groups. In addition, LR highly recommends you get the COVID-19 booster when eligible and the flu shot.

  • 学生疫苗接种指引

    COVID-19 vaccines, including all booster shots, 强烈推荐给学生吗, faculty and staff, but are not required. *具体项目要求见下文

    了解COVID-19疫苗的最新情况, 包括所有推荐的加强注射, determines quarantine guidelines and can reduce the risk of severe disease and hospitalization. 

    The new bivalent vaccine contains the original formulation and carries a recipe against the BA.4 and BA.5个变种,最具传染性的病毒. The CDC indicates the BA.美国90%的病例都是由5个变种引起的.

    新的疫苗增强剂在当地药店有售, 以及包括卡托巴县(山核桃县)在内的各个卫生部门, 邦库姆县(阿什维尔)和里奇兰县(哥伦比亚). Faculty, staff and students who have completed two shots of the vaccine are eligible to receive the new booster 60 days after their last vaccine.

    如果您已经感染了COVID, the CDC recommends you wait 90 days to take the booster to maximize your immune system. Those who have not had the COVID vaccine will need to get the initial shots before the new booster.

    *请注意,护理学院(RIBN)的学生, RN-BSN, BSN, MSN, DNP)都需要接种疫苗,以满足临床场所的要求. 

    *请注意,一些项目的学生, including community health, exercise science, Master of Public Health, dietetic internship, and occupational therapy may be required by their clinical sites to be vaccinated and boosted. 如果学生无法在预先安排的地点参加体验式学习, 完成体验可能会有延迟, 哪一个会耽误你的学业到毕业. Additionally, some study abroad programs may require students to be vaccinated and boosted.


  • 教师疫苗指南 & Staff

    As announced on May 26, 2023, 勒努瓦-雷恩不再要求教职员工接种COVID-19疫苗. This decision was made after careful consideration of the latest public health guidance and in consultation with our medical experts.

    而LR不再需要疫苗, we strongly encourage all members of our community to get vaccinated and stay current with boosters. The vaccine has been shown to be safe and effective at preventing severe illness and hospitalization, 它是结束大流行的一个重要工具. 

    Booster Available

    The new bivalent vaccine contains the original formulation and carries a recipe against the BA.4 and BA.5个变种,最具传染性的病毒. The CDC indicates the BA.5个变种占美国病例的90%.S.

    新的疫苗增强剂在当地药店有售, 以及各个卫生部门,包括 Catawba County (Hickory), Buncombe County (Asheville) and Richland County (Columbia). Faculty, staff and students who have completed two shots of the vaccine are eligible to receive the new booster 60 days after their last vaccine.

    如果您已经感染了COVID, the CDC recommends you wait 90 days to take the booster to maximize your immune system. Those who have not had the COVID vaccine will need to get the initial shots before the new booster.

  • Masks Optional


    • Individuals are required to wear a mask indoors for the specified number of days when exposed to COVID-19, are symptomatic, or test positive.
    • Individual instructors may require masks in their classrooms as part of their standard classroom management and students will adhere to the classroom requirement.
    • Those visiting Cornerstone Health Services may be required to wear masks when entering the facility.

    除上述情况外,不需要口罩, 任何觉得在校园戴口罩更舒服的人都可以这样做, 因为它是除了疫苗之外最好的预防方法.

    Students, faculty and staff are expected to provide their own masks for use in those situations where they are required.

  • COVID-19 Testing


    Rapid tests and PCR tests are also available at local pharmacies and grocery stores in your area. 也要向你所在县和州的公共卫生部门查询检测日期, times and locations.

    COVID-19 Testing Locator


    Hickory Campus (卡托巴、伯克和考德威尔县)

    Asheville Campus (Buncombe County )

    Columbia Campus (Richland County)

  • 报告COVID-19阳性检测结果


  • Tracing & Alerts

    Anyone who is exposed or tests positive for COVID-19 should continue to report their case to the appropriate person.

    This information will allow us to continue to monitor trends on campus and perform contact tracing, if necessary.

    Residential students who test positive are required to return home for their required isolation. We may be able to provide some temporary housing for those students who test positive, 但住在离校园更远的地方.

    We also will provide quarantine rooms on a limited basis for those residential students who are exposed to the virus, 但他们没有及时接种COVID-19疫苗. The CDC defines “up to date” as having all vaccines and boosters for which a person is eligible. For example, 未接种疫苗或完全接种疫苗的人, but not boosted would have to quarantine for five days and be tested if exposed to the virus.

    感谢您对全球网赌十大网站政策的支持和坚持. 全球网赌十大网站期待着一个成功的秋季学期.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • FAQ - COVID-19 Protocols
    Why did LR switch from required to strongly recommended for students, faculty and staff?

    We consult with local, 地区和州公共卫生官员, 包括卡托巴县卫生局和N.C. 国家卫生与公众服务部, 并审查了最新的疾病控制中心指南. 他们都支持将疫苗从要求改为强烈推荐. The national public health emergency around COVID-19 also officially ended in the United States on May 11, 2023. 

    如果COVID形势发生重大变化怎么办? 你需要疫苗、检测还是口罩?

    We will continue to monitor COVID-19 on campus and nationally to determine if changes are required. 正如全球网赌十大网站自大流行开始以来所做的那样, 全球网赌十大网站将根据当地的反馈做出基于数据的决策, state and regional public health departments and guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control.


    任何COVID-19检测呈阳性的人, 无论疫苗接种状况如何, 必须坚持以下几点:

    • 在家隔离至少5天,如果在家有人,请戴上口罩.
    • 如果没有症状,可以在5天后结束隔离, 或者你的症状已经消失,没有发烧了.
    • Continue to wear a mask indoors and outdoors when around others for 5 additional days.
    • 您的医疗保健提供者必须批准您返回课堂和活动. You may also be approved to return if seen by Cornerstone Health on campus or by telehealth. 书面放行必须提供给: 
      三个校区的学生:Harry Titus在 harry.titus@kanto-onsen.net
      Faculty: Judy Lineberger at judy.lineberger@kanto-onsen.net
      Staff: Revonda Reed at revonda.reed@kanto-onsen.net

    Residential students who test positive will be required to return home for their isolation period. We may be able to provide some temporary housing for those students who test positive, 但住在离校园更远的地方. We also will provide quarantine rooms on a limited basis for those residential students who are exposed to the virus, 但他们没有及时接种COVID-19疫苗. 


    Anyone who has been exposed to someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 must adhere to the following, 根据你的疫苗状况:

    • No quarantine if fully boosted or fully vaccinated and are not yet eligible for the booster vaccine. 你只需戴上口罩10天,第5天进行快速检测. If you develop symptoms, get a COVID-19 test and remain at home until you know the results.
    • 如果未接种疫苗或未完全“更新”,” you are required to quarantine at home for 5 days and wear a mask for an additional 5 days. You may exit quarantine when testing negative on day 5 and continue to be without symptoms. 如果测试呈阳性,则遵循上述隔离协议.
    • However, in a case where one is living every day (not just a brief encounter) in the same residence with family members/roommates and one or more are/become infected with COVID-19, 全球网赌十大网站需要采取额外的预防措施. People who are exposed in this situation should wear a mask and test daily for five days. They should work with their supervisor to determine any additional steps to take based on their specific circumstances.

    Note: The CDC defines “up to date” as having all vaccines and boosters for which a person is eligible. 


    Yes. To help us monitor COVID on campus, please report a positive test or exposure to the following:


    鉴于疾控中心减少了对公共交通的限制, 使用公共交通工具的学生将遵循相同的返回校园的协议.

    It is highly recommend you wear an appropriate mask during your travel using mass transit, 尽管并不总是必需的.